Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Coach Heath's Class

February 20/21/22

U.S. History II

Wednesday (Feb 20)

Classwork: News/Current Event/ Start notes on Ch. 16 (Pacific Interests)

Homework: Review Notes / Read Ch.16 Section 1

Thursday (Feb 21)

Classwork: News/Current Event/ Notes Continued on Ch. 16 (Dictators that threaten Peace)

Homework: Review Notes / Read Ch. 16 Section 2

Friday (Feb 22)

Classwork: News/Current Event/ WW II video

Homework: Review Notes / Finish reading Ch. 16 section 1 & 2

World Geography


Classwork: News/Current Event/ Notes on Ch. 12 section 3

Homework: Review Notes/Refresh on Ch. 12 section 2 / Read Ch. 12 section 3


Classwork: News/Current Event/Notes continued on Ch. 12 section 3

Homework: Review Notes/ Finish reading Ch.12 section 3


Classwork: News/Current Event/Ch.12 Section 2 and 3 Worksheet

Homework: Review Notes


US History I


Classwork: News/Current Event/ Recap notes from Ch.17 section 2/Continue with section3

Homework: Review Notes/Refresh yourself on Ch. 17 section 2 notes


Classwork: News/Current Event/Notes from Ch. 17 section 3

Homework: Review Notes/Read Ch. 17 section 3


Classwork: News/Current Event/Civil War Video

Homework: Review Notes




Senior Meeting with Mr. Richardson


Classwork: News/Current Event/ Notes

Homework: Review Notes


Classwork: News/Current Event/ Notes

Homework: Review Notes

Friday, September 14, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

1st Period - US History

-Review the test you took yesterday at the end of Chapter 4.

     -Make sure you answered all the questions completely.

     - You don't need to write an essay unless it is specifically asked for, but complete answers are

     -Review the vocabulary terms from Ch. 4 section 3 & 4.

     -We will have a test review when we return to school.

3rd Period - World Geography

-Make flash cards with your vocabulary words.

-This can be made into a quick and effective trivia game to help you learn these terms.

-These terms will be important when you take the Ch. 4 Test.

4th Period - US History 

-Review Vocabulary and Key terms for Ch. 5 section 1,2, and 5

-You can use flash cards or quizlet to help learn these terms.

-Complete all reading assignments if you haven't already.

5th Period - Government

Complete the review questions at the end of section 3 in Chapter 1

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday September 13, 2018

1st period - US History

-Please complete the test at the end of Chapter 4.

      -This material will cover all of chapter 4 so please use the text book to complete.

     - You can also use your notes, this will help when you answer more analytical questions.

3rd period- World Geography

-Define all Vocabulary words in Ch. 4 section 3 & 4

4th period- US History

-Answer the questions at the end of Ch. 5 section 1 and 2

-Keep these in your notebook to use when you review for the upcoming test.

5th period - Government

-Complete the review questions at the end of Ch. 1 section 2

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday September 12, 2018

1st period - US History

-Please define all vocabulary words in Ch. 4 section 3 & 4

        -These words should be kept with your notes to help you study for the test.

3rd period - World Geography

-Define all Vocabulary words in Ch.4 section 1 & 2

4th period - US History

-Define all Vocabulary and Key Terms from Ch.5 section 5

       -Keep this info with your notes and use it to review for the test.

5th period - Government

-Complete the review questions at the end of Ch. 1 section 1

       -Keep this info in your notebook with your notes
       - This info will be helpful when its time to review for your test.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday September 11, 2018

1st Period - US History

Please start reviewing for your Ch. 4 sect 3 & 4 Test.

        -Read these two sections in your text book
       - Review your notes

3rd Period - World Geography

Start reading Chapter 4 in your text book.

       - This is a new chapter, so please take the time and start reading.
              -This will help when we start taking notes on this material.

     -I will be returning your Chapter 1 Test when we return to school for review.

4th Period - US History

       - Please review your notes on Jamestown/Plymouth/Carolina colonies.

               -We are quickly approaching a test on this material, start reviewing now.
               -Use your textbook as a reference to your notes. Read section 1 & 2 from chapter 5
                        -Review the vocabulary and Key terms you completed already.
                        -Read about the Carolina and Georgia colonies at the end of chapter 5

5th Period - Government

       - Please review your notes and if you have not completed reading chapter 1, please do so.
                   -There are many vocab words in the textbook that you can use to match up within your 
                             notes.  Please use this tool to keep the information fresh in your mind.

                  - There will be a major grade on this information in the very near future.

                               -Don't wait until the last minute to start studying for tests.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 12-16, 2018

World History


Classwork: Review Vocab project/ current events/ continue notes on Battle of Cannae
Homework: Review Notes


Classwork: Roman Emperors- Research Project -In Class
Homework: Review project/Review notes


Classwork: Review Roman Emperors research project - share your findings
Homework: Review notes on Roman Republic


Classwork: Current events/Continue notes for Rome
Homework: Review notes


Classwork: Current events/ video on Rome
Homework: Review notes

World Geography


Classwork: Introductory exercise to Middle East
Homework: Review data found in class for project


Classwork: Introductory exercise to Middle East
Homework: Review data found in class for project./Read Chapter 18 section 1


Classwork: Current events/ Begin notes on Middle East/North Africa
Homework: Read Chapter 18 section 1


Classwork: Current events/continue notes on ch. 18 section 1 North Africa
Homework: Read Chapter 18 section 1


Classwork: Current events/video on North Africa
Homework: Review notes on Ch. 18 section 1 North Africa
March 12-16, 2018

U.S. History I


Classwork: Current Events/Finish notes for Ch. 8 section 2
Homework: Read Chapter 8 section 3


Classwork: Ch.8 section 1&2 Quiz Review
Homework: Review Ch. 8 section 1 & 2 notes for quiz


Classwork: Ch.8 section 1&2 Quiz
Homework: Ch. 8 section 3 Vocabulary and Key Terms


Classwork: Current Events/ start notes for Ch. 8 section 3/ Review Quiz
Homework: Vocabulary and Key Terms for Ch. 8 section 3


Classwork; Current events/ notes for Ch. 8 section 3
Homework: Vocabulary and Key Terms for Ch. 8 section 3 (Due Monday)

US History II


Classwork: Review Quiz from Ch. 11 section 1 / Current events / start notes on Ch. 11 section 2
Homework: Review Notes/ Read Ch. 11 section 2


Classwork: WWI Generals- Research Project - In class exercise
Homework: Read Ch. 11 section 2/ Review Notes


Classwork: Review Research Project/ Current events / Continue notes on Ch. 11 section 2
Homework: Review Notes


Classwork:  Current events/ Continue notes on Ch. 11 section 2
Homework: Review Notes


Classwork: In class exercise on WWI/ WWI Video
Homework: Review notes/ Read Chapter 11 section 3